Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Phoenix Loves... Look of the day.

Apparently, they say that variety is the spice of life.

It's a funny saying that but I think I get what they're going on about. Mum has got loads of spices that she uses to make yummy things called curries, though I don't know just how yummy as they're a bit too spicy for me at the moment. But dad promises me they are, usually as he's helping himself to seconds!

Anyway, mum uses the spices to give extra yummy tastes to her food and I guess what they mean is that sprinkling a few different things onto your life makes it more fun, and I dig that. Different toys, different cartoons and most definitely different threads.

Why wear one style of clothes when you can wear two, three, four or a squillion styles?! The options are endless! You may have seen some of my different styles, or 'looks of the day' as they have been christened (or pinched from dad's friend's fashion blog - thanks Travis!) You know the drill by now... Check them out!

Blue jean baby. Spot the difference!

Hanging out with the T-Birds.

Shakin' who?
Evil Knievel.
Business time.

It's the best of both worlds really as I get to be me but loads of other people at the same time. You should try it sometime. If you usually wear black jeans then why not try some coloured jeans next time? If you never wear hats, why not try wearing one sometime? If there's a style you've always wanted to try but don't think it's 'you' then why not just try it? After all, you might just like it.

Keeps your eyes peeled for more looks of the day in the near future... and watch out London, Paris and Milan!

Phoenix Love x x x

Phoenix Loves... A spring in the step.

Hibernate (hi-ber-nate) - to pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.

Say what?

Dormant (dor-mant) - lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive. Torpid (tor-pid) - deprived of the power of motion or feeling; benumbed.


Benumbed (be-numbed) - to be made numb, especially by the cold.

Ok, so I could go on, after all I have no idea what all these funny words mean but I think you get the picture. I have been away pretty much all winter, in fact the last you heard from me I was just about to turn one.

You see I haven't had a moment's peace. Been rushed off my feet. I've been snowed under... Literally. Even if Sweden does have tons of words for different types of snow, there's only so much a boy can blog about it! So let's leave the winter and say a big hello to spring, or vår as we call it here, and a big hello to your fab host, me!

This is my second spring and to me it seems it brings a big dollop of hope with it. This past week or so mum and dad always want to go out somewhere or do something. "Let's go for a cycle!" or "let's go into town and meet some friends!" But I'm certainly not complaining, especially when cycling usually means we stop off at the playground and meeting friends usually means tasty fika!

This spring we're also busy making plans. Plans for our trip to England in May, plans for a trip to Gothenburg in July and plans for a visit from my godfather Tom in September. All will be ace.

So let's hoist a flag to the arrival of spring and to all the hope, promise and plans it brings. Maybe this spring be the one you remember for great reasons. Make it happen!

Phoenix Love xxx