Sunday, 25 March 2012

Phoenix Loves... Smiling.

In one of my earlier posts I revealed that I've started smiling, something which makes mum and dad really proud. I think they like it because they can tell when I'm happy, however it does mean that they're always doing silly things to try and make me smile again!

For the past couple of weeks they've been trying to catch one of my smiles on camera and so far, without much luck. I think generally I smile most for mum, but on Saturday dad was the lucky one who caught a few smiles on film. He was being super silly and talking to me and my bear Luba in a stupid voice.

Luba is my Australian flat bear, given to me by dad's friend Damien and his wife Hazel. Damien misheard dad when he told him my middle name and wrote Phoenix Luba in a card instead of Phoenix Love and that's why we named him Luba!

Luba is really, really soft and I think he's fab. Mum says I look like a Bond villain when I sit in my pram stroking him. I don't know what a Bond villain is but fair enough mum! Here he is, my friend Luba...

Luba Lubasson.
Dad says you can say a lot with a smile and my smiles are a big thank you to all of you for being so lovely to me since I was born. I hope they were worth the wait - check it out!

Phoenix Love x x x

Phoenix Loves... Picnics.

The weather in London has been really nice this past week and that's meant me and my mum have been out walking lots. We've walked to the shops, walked to feed the swans with godmummy Kathryn, walked to see dad and godfather Tom fishing at the canal and today we walked to the park with dad to meet up with mum's friend Noorin and her boyfriend Albert.

You'll remember Noorin from one of my previous posts, you know, the talented girl who made mum's wedding dress and has her own ethical fashion label called Outsider. Her boyfriend Albert is from Ireland but seemed to have travelled lots so had some good stories which were fun to listen to! We met in a place called Priory park and had what's known as a picnic. This is where friends get together in a big grassy area, sit on blankets and eat. Yum.

Most of my afternoon was spent having lots of cuddles with Noorin, and she showed off her skills when she fashioned a tent from her pashmina to help protect me from the bright sun! Nice one Noorin. Check it out...

I could get used to this chic lifestyle.
Later on dad went and bought everyone ice cream which seemed to go down well, but I stuck to my favourite - milk. That always goes down best with me.

The rest of the afternoon was spent wandering up to a placed called Crouch End and having a little food and drink in a cafe. If I'm right, I think today is what's known as a lazy Sunday, surely the best type of Sunday that there is. Thanks Noorin and Albert - let's do it again soon!

On Tuesday me and mum are off to Sweden for gammel-farfar's funeral. It's going to be a sad trip, and it'll be made sadder by having to be away from dad for three whole sleeps. We'll miss him.

I can't wait to meet all my Swedish family though and am sure to have lots of stories and pictures to post when I get back.

Wish me luck on the plane!

Phoenix Love x x x

Phoenix Loves... Fishing.

So on Thursday I had my very first fishing trip with dad and godfather Tom. Oh and to make things even more fun, mum came along too!

Fishing is where people (usually old men) go sit by some water and then use really long poles to try and catch little animals called fish. Well, that's the idea anyway...

Dad and Tom have their own club called the Green Lanes Fishing Club (G.L.F.C) which at the moment is just the two of them, and if I'm honest I can't see many other people joining their club anytime soon. Well, not unless they like not catching fish as that's their speciality!

We were down by the canal near a placed called Tottenham Hale which is not far from our house. As we live in a big city dad and Tom usually have to do something known as' urban fishing' because there aren't many lakes or rivers nearby. Now the problem with this is that they usually end up fishing out old bits of chair and rubbish rather than any actual fish. When they do catch some fish they're usually tiny and wouldn't even be enough to fill up my tummy!

Although we didn't catch anything we still had a great time and I think that's actually the best thing about fishing; you get to hang out with your friends and just relax. Check out a picture of me, dad and Tom doing exactly that...

Green clothing is essential for fishing, silly sunglasses are not.

I don't think you always have to catch fish for fishing to be worthwhile. Dad says that sometimes in life it's the challenge or struggle that's the most rewarding bit, rather than the end result. I think I'll remember that for when I'm older.

Thanks dad, mum and godfather Tom for a cool afternoon. I can't wait to get a rod of my own when I'm old enough - then I'll show you oldies how it's done!

Phoenix Love.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Phoenix Loves... Janet Street Porter.

In the corner of our living room at home sits a big box known as a television. Now I'm still not really sure what this is but I know mum likes it and I do too. There are so many colours and funny things going on, and when the sounds are on too it's great! Be careful though as once you start looking at it you find it really hard to stop...

Each day when dad goes off to work, me and mum will have the TV on in the background and every now and then a lady appears who makes me super happy. I don't really care for the show she's on (apparently it's called Loose Women) but this lady with her strange voice and glasses is the best, and when you add in her teeth it's so funny!

Mum says this lady is the one and only Janet Street Porter.

Whenever she's on the TV I love nothing better than to just kick back on the sofa, watch her and jig my legs about like crazy, but every now and then she dissappears which is no fun at all. I try crying to mum, hoping that she'll bring her back, but mum says that in order for TV to stay on some people in suits need to make lots of money so there's nothing she can do about it. Apparently there are some things that even mums can't control. Sort it out mum!

For those of you that don't known her, here's a picture of her in all her glory...

My first weird celebrity crush.
And if any of you were wondering what I'd have looked like if Janet Street Porter was my mum instead of my real mum then check this out!

I bet dad's glad he met mum now!
Well as you can guess I think she rocks and can't wait til she's next on. My folks think I'm a bit weird for liking her but say as long as she makes me happy, then that's ok with them. Woohoo!

Until next time...

Phoenix Love.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Phoenix Loves... Mummy.

In England where we live, today is known as Mothering Sunday. This means that all the babies and children do nice things for their mums to say thank you for being so caring.

As I'm just 7 weeks old this is my mum's first one so, with help from dad, I've been doing lots of things to make her extra happy today.

First up was treating her to a few smiles from yours truly! Usually mum and dad have to make lots of silly noises and faces to make me smile, but this morning I did them all on my own. They keep trying to take photos of me smiling but they haven't managed to get one just yet - they want to show their friends and family, but I think I'll keep you all waiting for a little while longer!

Next up I gave mum a card to say thanks for all the kind things she does for me. Her face looked really happy when she opened it and it was funny to see dad's face too!

Sorry dad!

One thing my mum likes to do is to go and have her eyelashes done which is where she goes and sees a lady who makes them longer and prettier than they already are.

As me and mum are off to Sweden next week and then a wedding when we get back, me and dad thought it might be nice to treat her to get them done before we go. Dad was great and agreed to loan me the money mum needs to get them done, but not so great when he said I have to pay back every last penny before I'm 18!

Finally me and dad made mum something known as 'breakfast in bed' which is where you get to eat whilst still in bed. From what I've seen people usually eat at a table so eating in bed must be a bit naughty! We made one of her favourite things to eat - eggs on toast - but with a Mother's day twist! Dad took a photo so you can all see...

Eggs - in the shape of a heart and a mummy - on toast!
I heard mum and dad saying that there is also a Father's day and that in Sweden they have the same thing too, but that the dates are different to those in England! Phew, I'm going to owe my parents a small fortune by the time I'm 18...

Right, I'm off to give mum lots of cuddles as they're 100% free!

Happy Mother's day mum - I love you to bits and hope you have a great day.

Phoenix Love.  X X X

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Phoenix Loves... Silver linings.

Since I arrived my folks have been super happy, but something happened recently that made their smiles a little bit smaller than usual. Sadly, mum's farfar (grandad) - my gammel-farfar (great grandad) passed away.

He had been ill for a little while so I think mum was prepared for it to happen, but she was still really sad and needed lots of cuddles from me and dad to cheer her up that day. Gammel-farfar had a great life and was an amazing 89 years old, which dad's maths tells me is 4628 weeks old! I'm barely 7 weeks old so can only imagine all the fun things he got to do in that time.

One of the saddest things about all this is that I won't get to meet him, but mum said mormor and morfar showed him a picture of me during his last days, which made him smile! Here is a picture of gammel-farfar at mum and dad's wedding a couple of years ago...

Gammel-farfar with gammel-farmor at the wedding.

When someone passes away their family organise what's known as a funeral for them, which is where all their loved ones get together, remember all the best things about them and get to say a proper goodbye.

Mum and dad have got me something called a passport so I can go to Sweden and keep mum company at the funeral. I've already started saving up lots of cuddles to give to gammel-farmor and mum that day.

This also means that I'll get to meet lots of my Swedish family and hopefully help put a smile back on their faces too, which will be nice. Someone once said that every cloud has a silver lining, and I think this is probably what they had in mind when they said it. Here I am with my passport...

Watch out world!
Watch this space for stories and pictures from our trip to Sweden at the end of March!

Phoenix Love. X

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Phoenix Loves... Faaaamily.

It seems ages ago now but a few sleeps ago me, mum and dad went to visit farmor and farfar in Guildford. On the Sunday we had lots of people over to their house - there was auntie Sophie, auntie Kate, uncle Jon and my cousin Harry. We also had dad's auntie Liz, uncle Tony, auntie Carol and cousin Liam over. Phew! Lots of people to entertain, but I'm getting used to that these days!

Uncle Jon is really great at taking photos, so much so that he gets paid to do it everyday, and naturally he got some cool photos of me! Check some of them out...

Blue Steel - Zoolander eat your heart out.

Me and my cousin Harry, he's fun!

Me, mum and dad.

A cute baby... even if I do say so myself.
Thanks to Liz, Tony, Carol and Liam for the clothes you gave me - I'm really hungry at the moment so it won't be long before I fit into them. I'll send pictures as soon as I do!

I think spending time with the family is one of my favourite things to do, which is lucky because we're all going on holiday together in April. I can't wait. Me, mum, dad and all the Barker family. Woohoo!

Phoenix Love.

Phoenix Loves... Fame.

Things have been pretty busy recently (more on that soon) but last Sunday it was really wet outside so mum and dad decided it was time to make me the star of my very first film. I got to show off all my favourite things, from my bed to my clothes to my wheels! Check out my MTV Cribs episode here: