Monday, 30 April 2012

Phoenix Loves... Uncle Daniel.

Those of you with good memories will know that the past month or so has seen me on a hectic world tour, visiting various friends and family here (London) there (Sweden) and everywhere! Well recently it's been my turn to be visited, something I like as it means I get to stay at home - my favourite place.

With our life in London slowly drawing to a close, my uncle Daniel came over from Sweden to stay with us, and to make things even better he brought along his friend who had never been to London - his name was Andreas.

Me, mum and dad had been a little bit ill when they came so I'm afraid we couldn't party as much as we wanted to, but armed with something called an Oyster card, Daniel and Andreas hit London town to enjoy their holiday. Uncle Daniel said that he'd been 'walking on clouds' at work the days before coming to visit us so I guess he must like London!

On the Friday dad had something special in store for the two of them as he (and a few friends) took them to something known as the Medieval Banquet. Mum said they were having a boy's night out which basically meant no girls were allowed and they could be as loud and annoying as they liked! But hang on a minute, I'm a boy, why wasn't I invited?

Here are some pictures of boys being boys...

From left to right, dad, King Wayne, godfather Tom, Prince Jonn, Uncle Daniel and Andreas the Court Jester!

As mum was still ill the rest of our weekend was spent relaxing at home whilst uncle Daniel and Andreas went and explored  London a little bit more. The best thing was when they were back at the house and we could all relax, and yours truly could get lots of cuddles with my uncle. Whilst I loved this, uncle Daniel is really, really tall so my head felt a bit funny when he stood up to hold me. Dad says this is called vertigo but all I know is that I wanted to 'go' back down! Here's me and my uncle at a more comfortable height...

Back on my sofa where I belong.
One last thing to say is that I have a new favourite toy! Whilst in London uncle Daniel bought me the coolest Nemo toy in town. Me and mum now play with him everyday - he's great fun but a little bit scary too as he keeps appearing from nowhere and kissing me all over! Thanks uncle Daniel for Nemo - you're the best. I can't wait to hang out with you and Andreas lots more when we live in Sweden - who knows, maybe they'll even be a few more little gifts for me!

For all of you who don't know Nemo, here he is...

I've found Nemo!

Thanks again uncle Daniel and Andreas - see you soon!

Phoenix Love x

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