Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Phoenix Loves... A laugh.

My mum and dad are always trying to make me laugh. Sometimes they're good at it and sometimes they're not, but you can always guarantee they'll make fools of themselves just to try and put a smile on my face. Kind of sweet really.

They've even gone as far as to invent the 'mum and dad' shows where they come up with new stuff everyday to make me chuckle. It always happen after my evening bath and they take it in turn every other day, but you see something that I find funny one day might not be so funny the next day, so that keeps them on their toes and they always have to try out new material on me.

The mum and dad shows started off as loads of fun but I must admit it's got a bit out of hand of late - my folks have been getting really competitive over 'ratings' (i.e. me laughing) and dad has even accused mum of stealing his material - silly stuff!

Anyways, the point of my post is just to say that there's nothing better than a good laugh. I love it. You love it. We all love it. So I say do something today to make someone you love laugh, and I mean REALLY laugh - like yours truly...

Phoenix Love x x x

Phoenix Loves... Domestic goddess mum #2.

A while back I was telling you all how great my mum is getting at this whole... well, mum thing! She's been making this, sewing that and cooking all kinds of tasty things. In fact in Sweden we say 'mums' if something is really tasty and I reckon this is the perfect word to use!

So I told you about the cool bibs mum was making, which at the time were all a bit hush hush, top secret and all that. The reason is that they were for two of my new friends, babies Leo and Tallulah, who the stork delivered to mum and dad's friends recently - Leo to dad's friend Vik and Tallulah to mum's friend Jenny.

Well when I last wrote the bibs hadn't been sent to them yet, but now they have so I can show you my mum's handy work. They're so stylish she's even had other mum's asking her to make them for their babies, and they'd pay! Go mum, but make sure you keep 30% of any money you make for me - for being your inspiration... :o)

Reversible bibs by My Mum Design.

Catalogue pose - modelling the gekko style.
But it doesn't stop there, mum has been making even more stuff. Recently she's been talking lots about something called Christmas. I'm still not too sure what this is, but from the way she talks about it, it sounds like LOADS OF FUN. She gets all excited when she starts thinking about it, and apparently it's even more exciting now that I'm here...

I'm not sure if I should have seen this but I caught a glimpse and it's got my name on it so what's a boy to do! I asked dad what it is and he said it is called a stocking and that you put things in it at Christmas, but he wouldn't say what... Interesting. Anyway, check out the stocking thing with my name on it - can't wait to see what they put inside!

Way too big for my little feet...
So all hail my domestic goddess mum - the best mum making the best things. Or so says I.

Phoenix Love x x x

Phoenix Loves... Being back in town.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Phoenix who?

Yes, yes, I admit it has been rather a long time since my last post, but there's so much growing up and fun to be had that sometimes I forget. But you all forgive me right? Hopefully my cute new profile picture will help with that...

So what's been happening with me? Well, things have been ticking along nicely. My teeth are coming on (two at the top coming through now), I've been accepted into Fågelsång dagis (Birdsong nursery school) starting the day after my first birthday and I've finally started to crawl. Finally.

A million times more important than all this is the news that I'm coming to England at the end of November. Now you have to understand how ace this is as I haven't seen my farmor, farfar, aunties and friends since we left four months ago - feels weird to think it has been this long. I can't wait for everyone to see what's new with me!

Before that though my auntie Sophie is coming over to see me - the first person to make the trip. Go auntie Soph! Oh and I guess she might want to see mum and dad a bit too, but they'll have to wait their turn...

Finally, I've been doing a little bit of redecorating which I hope you all like - spacey and stuff. I am nearly nine months old now so I like loads of different things all the time - keeps mum and dad on their toes!

So much more to tell but that will have to wait for now. It's good to be back!

Lots of love,

Phoenix Love x x x