Knock knock.
Who's there?
Phoenix who?
Yes, yes, I admit it has been rather a long time since my last post, but there's so much growing up and fun to be had that sometimes I forget. But you all forgive me right? Hopefully my cute new profile picture will help with that...
So what's been happening with me? Well, things have been ticking along nicely. My teeth are coming on (two at the top coming through now), I've been accepted into Fågelsång dagis (Birdsong nursery school) starting the day after my first birthday and I've finally started to crawl. Finally.
A million times more important than all this is the news that I'm coming to England at the end of November. Now you have to understand how ace this is as I haven't seen my farmor, farfar, aunties and friends since we left four months ago - feels weird to think it has been this long. I can't wait for everyone to see what's new with me!
Before that though my auntie Sophie is coming over to see me - the first person to make the trip. Go auntie Soph! Oh and I guess she might want to see mum and dad a bit too, but they'll have to wait their turn...
Finally, I've been doing a little bit of redecorating which I hope you all like - spacey and stuff. I am nearly nine months old now so I like loads of different things all the time - keeps mum and dad on their toes!
So much more to tell but that will have to wait for now. It's good to be back!
Lots of love,
Phoenix Love x x x
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