Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Phoenix Loves... Ett nytt liv!

Hej till alla!

So we've been living our new life for a whole week now and as they always say in mum's favourite TV show Eastenders: "I like it here... I think I might stick around for a while!"

Things here are certainly a bit different from where we used to live. For starters you couldn't go anywhere in London without seeing loads of people, but where we live now we don't see that many people, although that might have something to do with where mum and dad have been taking me so far! We're staying with mormor and morfar and all around their house is lots of green stuff - green stuff for walking in, green stuff for relaxing on and when I'm a bit older, green stuff for climbing on!

One thing we like to do so far is walking. Well, when I say walking I mean my folks do the walking and dad carries me around in the Baby Björn! This used to belong to my cousin Harry when he was a baby but auntie Kate and uncle Jon are letting me use it at the moment - thanks guys! Being in the Baby Björn means I can see everything around me, especially tasty smultron (wild strawberries) which we found by the side of the path when we were on one of our walks. Check me out with the smultron we found:

Me in the Baby Björn with some tiny wild strawberries or smultron.
One other thing that's been different since we've got here is the food I've been eating. I love my milk but for a little while now mum and dad's food has been looking rather tasty so they've started to let me have a little taste. They're even letting me sit at the table with them when they eat, in my own special chair! So far I've had pear, banana, peach, melon, yoghurt, porridge, mash potato and of course the smultron we found! Here I am tucking in:

Nom nom... And I still find time to pose for the camera.
One of the best things about moving is that we now have lots of mum's family close by - especially mormor and morfar as they're usually just downstairs watching motorcycle racing! My uncle Daniel and cousins Adrian and Isak are also near and already we've been hanging out with them lots. You've met uncle Daniel in a previous blog, and Adrian and Isak are his sons. They've been doing their best to try to make me laugh and I've been doing the same to them - they seem to like it when I do my new favourite laugh, the cough-laugh. It sounds like a cough but really I'm just laughing! Here I am with Adrian and Isak in the first of many family photos:

From left to right, cosuin Adrian, me and cousin Isak.

On Sunday it was one week exactly since we arrived and to celebrate we went to eat out. Now in London 'eating out' would mean a trip to Nandos or Wagamamas, but here 'eating out' actually means eating outside! Just round the corner from mormor and morfar's house is a great place called a nature reserve which is where everything is kept just as it should be - all pretty, green and watery. And with all that water around, me and dad couldn't resist having a little paddle. Check it out:

This little stream was right next to where we ate.
Dad said I could get a fish pedicure, but there weren't any fishies in sight!
After we'd had a play we all went to grill some korv (sausages) over an open fire that they provide there. On the menu for me though was milk, but that's ok as I know it won't be long until I'm eating with everyone else. We had a fab afternoon and can't wait to go back really soon! Here I am relaxing with my mormor and morfar:

Eyeing up mormor's hotdog...

Morfar was in charge of manly things, like the fire.
So as you can see our first week in Sweden has been lots and lots of fun however mum and dad say it does still feel a little bit like we're on holiday. Soon they'll have to start doing lots of boring grown up things like finding jobs and eventually a house for us to live in. I wish I had lots of money so I could pay them to look after me all the time but I don't think there's much demand for baby rockstars at the moment...

I think it's a little way away, but I can't wait for us to have a new place to call home. Mum and dad have been saving up to hopefully buy a little somewhere for the three of us. Mum wants a walk-in wardrobe and dad would like somewhere where he can play his silly music, but if you're reading this guys, don't forget about me! A big bedroom and a garden to relax in will do me just fine!

Well, that's all for now but I'll be sure to update you all soon with what I've been up to. So many things are happening at the moment I might need to write a new blog everyday, although I'm not sure my little fingers could handle that!

Phoenix Love x x x

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Phoenix, that nature reserve looks so beautiful! Also, I'm really hungry so I'd love a hotdog, too! All in all I guess that means I'm pretty envious of your new life. :) I love the photos (you all look lovely) but please can we have some of you and your mum as she always seems to be the one holding the camera. I LOVE YOU! Godmummy Kathryn. xxxxxxxx
