Monday, 30 July 2012

Phoenix Loves... Water.

27th January 2012 - that was the day I was born and I've just turned six months old. It feels like I've been around for ages but dad says that it's not even one year and that he's been around for 29 years! He must be old with a capital O!

Mum's been telling me that the date my birthday falls on makes me an Aquarius. This has to do with something called star signs and everybody has one, with each person's sign being decided by when they were born. I think there's lots of other stuff to do with it too but I don't really understand it, however one thing I do know is that Aquarius is symbolised (thanks dad for the help with the big word) by the water carrier. With this in mind I thought the best way to celebrate my six month birthday was to make friends with water, and lots of it!

I get a bath from the folks every night before bed and it's always been the best part of my routine, but other than that, me and water haven't really hung out all that much. Recently though I've been taking the chance to get in the water anywhere and everywhere!

First up was on a trip to the sea with mormor and morfar. I've dipped my feet in a little stream before but never in the sea, which goes on forever and ever. We'd stopped off in a small seaside town in Denmark during mormor and morfar's trip to buy something known as booze - I think that's the stuff that makes mum and dad all weird sometimes... Anyways, check out my first dip in the sea:

Splish splash I was having a bath...
It's been pretty warm here recently and sometimes a bit too warm for me, but I've found out that warm weather isn't so bad when you're in the water. Mum and dad have let me play outside in my bath which is great fun, cools me down and means I get lots of cuddles to dry off when I come out! Check me (and my first funky swimming trunks) out:

At home catching the bad guy - a robber duck!

In gammelfarmor's garden. "Do I really have to do the washing up?"
We recently went to see mum's farmor, mormor and morfar in Småland but for some reason they don't have baths at their houses so we had to be creative with where I had my baths! We tried somthing known as a bidet first and dad has helped me with the following to let you all know what one of these is... "Bidet  is a French word for pony (and in Old French, bider meant to trot). This etymology comes from the notion that one rides a bidet much like a pony is ridden." To me it just looks like a really small bath and a bit too small for me I'm afraid. So next we tried the kitchen sink and although a little cosy too, this was much better as I could lie back and relax. Here I am:

Bit of a squeeze...

...but this I could get used to!
So as you can all see, I'm doing my best to live up to being an Aquarius and having some fun in the process! To finish here's a video mum has played me ever since I was born and I've always loved watching it whenever I'm upset. Mum always knows best.

Miss you all,
Phoenix Love X X X

1 comment:

  1. You are so, so, so cute! I might have to steal a few of these photos if your mummy and daddy don't mind. Keep us posted on all your adventures. Love you! xxxxxx
