Friday, 24 August 2012

Phoenix Loves... A quiff.

Tin Tin, Mark Lamarr, Jackie Wilson, Mark Kermode and Morrissey - a very select gang that today I disovered I'm now part of. It's official. I have a quiff!

As soon as I found out I asked dad a bit more about it and I think I'm right in saying a quiff is a style of haircut that some people (cool ones I guess) have. Dad said that it was a popular style in the 1950s and then again in the 1980s, so on second thoughts perhaps not so cool... sounds ancient!

I had lots of hair when I was born, but mum told me that I lost some when I was a little baby as it rubbed off when I slept. It came off mainly from the sides so now my hair is short at the sides but longer on top as that bit carried on growing, making it my very own quiff! Check it out...

The Phoenix Love quiff.
There's been loads of famous quiffs over the years and most of them are just names to me, but dad promises me they're all cool in their own way. Here are some of my faves...

Clockwise from top left - Tin Tin, Jackie Wilson, Mark Kermode and Mark Lemarr.
I think my favourite, and the leader of all quiffs has to be Morrissey from The Smiths, who as you already know, I like. Maybe I'll keep growing mine and aim to have one just like his, although dad says I could end up looking more like some guy called Curly Watts!

Morrissey look is good.

...Curly Watts not so good!
I'm pretty chuffed with my quiff and I hope you all like it too. I think it was a bit mean of dad to say mine could end up looking like that Curly Watts dude - his do is well rubs!

Just for that, I think everyone needs to know the truth about my dad's quiffed past. Check out this old picture of him when he was 17 - sorry pops, you definitely can't join our gang!

Ha ha. Look at dad's sorry quiff on the far left!
Thanks for reading!

Phoenix Love x x x

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Phoenix Loves... Billebjer.

No, Billebjer isn't a new favourite word that I've created, it's one of my new favourite places.

As you've seen, water has been a big part of my summer so far and that doesn't seem like it will stop anytime soon as the sun keeps on shining! And I've quickly found out that the best thing to do when the sun is shining is to find some water to cool yourself down. So with that in mind, today mum and dad took me off on an adventure to Billebjer.

Mum told me that all around where we live there are things called quarries, which are basically just rock - although not the sort of rock that dad is always trying to make me listen to! Billebjer used to be one of these quarries and mum said that when the men were finished with it they filled it with lots of water so that people like us could enjoy a swim. She says there's even a tractor at the bottom that the men left behind!

Billebjer is in the heart of the woods.

Good to know I've always got dad's support.
Kind of like being at the beach, eating a toy cow.
As it was hot and a Sunday there were lots of people there, and one guy looked a little bit different to everyone else. For starters he had all his clothes on (unlike others) but also they were really old and he had a big, long beard too. Mum and dad said he was something called a hippy and that he wasn't there to swim but he lived there! He had his own tent that he'd built, a fire and kept getting his guitar out to play some songs, which was nice.

Guitar in the forest - dad's dream. Except this dude could play guitar!
I hope he's there next time we go as his guitar playing sounded really nice and there was something magical about him and his little camp. Everyone else can start to look the same to me sometimes so I think its good when I find someone who looks a little bit different and he was certainly that!

So another great day out with mum and dad. I think the forest is great but I'm not sure I'd want to live there all the time - it looks like it could be a bit scary at night... Let's hope mum and dad find jobs soon otherwise I might be finding out pretty soon!

Phoenix Love x x x

Phoenix Loves... Domestic goddess mum!

Just a quick thing - I think you've all seen this picture before, it's me on my date with the lovely Neomi, but have another look and check out the bib I'm wearing...

Look at my cool bib.
This is probably my favourite out of all of my many, many, many bibs! This was made for me a little while ago by mum and dad's friend Ida. She's Swedish just like mum and I think being Swedish must mean you're like super talented or something as she made this (and another cute one!) all by herself. You can't see from the picture but it is actually two bibs in one as there is another picture on the other side. How cool is that?

So I'd like to thank Ida for the brilliant bibs, and also thank her for inspiring my mum. You see, mum loved them just as much as me and decided that she's going to make some too. Go mum! Work is still in progress but stay tuned for pictures of mum's handy work in the not too distant future...

Phoenix Love x x x

Phoenix Loves... Stripey.

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."

Dad helped me with that bit. It's from a book called Winnie-the-Pooh and that's how I feel about a certain someone in my life. You've probably heard me mention him before but I don't think you've been formally introduced. His name is Stripey and he's my best friend, my mate, my buddy, my chum, pal, playmate and sidekick. He's everything to me.

He was a present from my godmummy Kathryn and we've been thick as thieves ever since we first met. In fact, I can't sleep unless he's by my side. I'm not sure what it is I like about him so much but I guess it's just that he's always there for me. He's there when I wake up, there when I want to play and right there by my side when I'm tired or upset. A thoroughly good egg you could say!

My buddy Stripey.
As you can tell, me and Stripes are partners in crime and I'd be lost without him, so we had a bit of a shock the other day when me, mum and dad found this on our way for a swim...


The same beige fur, the same blue and white stripey top and the same kind red heart on his chest - it looked just like Stripey...

But fear not! Mum and dad thought about it for a minute and were positive that Stripey was tucked up in bed at home and I always, always trust them. As soon as we got home we checked upstairs and there he was, chilling out as usual - good old Stripey!

I'm so glad that my Stripey is ok, but it makes me sad to think that somebody else hasn't got their's anymore. The worst thing is that they might not even know where their's is, they might just think he's lost. At least if they found him then they could say goodbye properly. Poor them.

Oh wait, dad's just told me that Stripeys live in some place called Ikea and that there are loads around, so they should be able to find another one. Yay!

Aaah, good to have him back!
Hope I didn't scare you too much godmummy Kathryn... Thanks so much for Stripey!

Phoenix Love x x x

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Phoenix Loves... Parent time.

Since we've been in Sweden mum and dad have been about all the time. When I wake up - they're there. When I'm hungry - they're there. Even when I'm going to the toilet - they're there! Not that I'm complaining mind as they're my best buddies, even if they are a bit annoying sometimes with all their silly faces and noises up in my grill!

You see, now that we live in another country the folks can't keep doing their old jobs - they have to find new ones instead. Dad says this is known as being 'unemployed' but he's not treating it as that, instead he says it's time that he can spend watching yours truly grow up. If he was still at work in London there's loads of stuff he'd be missing.

Take the last few days for example. When the sun's shining like it has been here, there's nothing better to do than hit some local hang outs - the play park and swimming pools in particular! Check it out:

That's the ticket. Now just get me Stripey and wake me when it's lunch!

Smiles are order of the day when it's mum and dad time.

Fun in the sun with pappa.

What?!? I'm going down there?!?

It's tiring keeping the folks entertained all day...

So sure they may be old, they may be silly and they may be everywhere I look, but I wouldn't swap them for the world. Long may mum and dad time continue!

Oh wait, mum has just told me that no new jobs equals no Christmas presents for me... On second thoughts guys, step up the job searches - I'm going to be checking up on you! But let's enjoy the time together whilst it lasts :)

Phoenix Love x x x

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Phoenix Loves... Neomi.

Whisper it quietly, but on Thursday this boy had his first ever date... Yep, that's right, Phoenix Love has been wooing (or trying to!) a girl.

Her name is Neomi and she is mum's friend's daughter. She's a little bit younger than me but she's really, really clever as she can do loads of things better than me - sitting in particular. Mum and dad say girls usually learn those sort of things faster than boys, but I reckon they're just trying to make me feel better!

We went to play at this super big, super colourful play room where they had loads of soft stuff for us to sit and bounce around on. I think whoever's play room it is must have made a mistake though as they even let mum and dad in and they're well old! Neomi's folks Marie and Conny were there too as well as her big bro Ian. Dad said big brothers can be a bit scary sometimes when their little sisters are dating - Ian was great fun though, especially since he had a really cool skull necklace and Kiss t-shirt on.

I'm a little bit shy when I meet new people and I think this showed, but Neomi was sweet and just kept on smiling which helped me to relax. In the end we had a really fun date and hopefully she liked me enough to do it again sometime... Watch this space!

Here are some pictures:

Neomi and me - Dad says I can just about get away with doing this on a first date as I'm a baby but I'll get a slap when I'm older!

Neomi's big bro Ian - check the necklace.

Thanks Marie, Conny and Ian for letting me take Neomi on a date. I hope you all liked me too!

Phoenix Love x x x