Sunday, 5 August 2012

Phoenix Loves... Parent time.

Since we've been in Sweden mum and dad have been about all the time. When I wake up - they're there. When I'm hungry - they're there. Even when I'm going to the toilet - they're there! Not that I'm complaining mind as they're my best buddies, even if they are a bit annoying sometimes with all their silly faces and noises up in my grill!

You see, now that we live in another country the folks can't keep doing their old jobs - they have to find new ones instead. Dad says this is known as being 'unemployed' but he's not treating it as that, instead he says it's time that he can spend watching yours truly grow up. If he was still at work in London there's loads of stuff he'd be missing.

Take the last few days for example. When the sun's shining like it has been here, there's nothing better to do than hit some local hang outs - the play park and swimming pools in particular! Check it out:

That's the ticket. Now just get me Stripey and wake me when it's lunch!

Smiles are order of the day when it's mum and dad time.

Fun in the sun with pappa.

What?!? I'm going down there?!?

It's tiring keeping the folks entertained all day...

So sure they may be old, they may be silly and they may be everywhere I look, but I wouldn't swap them for the world. Long may mum and dad time continue!

Oh wait, mum has just told me that no new jobs equals no Christmas presents for me... On second thoughts guys, step up the job searches - I'm going to be checking up on you! But let's enjoy the time together whilst it lasts :)

Phoenix Love x x x

1 comment:

  1. Stripey must be well proud to have a mention in your blog! :) I love the look on your face on top of the slide! :) Love you all! xxxxxx
