Sunday, 19 August 2012

Phoenix Loves... Billebjer.

No, Billebjer isn't a new favourite word that I've created, it's one of my new favourite places.

As you've seen, water has been a big part of my summer so far and that doesn't seem like it will stop anytime soon as the sun keeps on shining! And I've quickly found out that the best thing to do when the sun is shining is to find some water to cool yourself down. So with that in mind, today mum and dad took me off on an adventure to Billebjer.

Mum told me that all around where we live there are things called quarries, which are basically just rock - although not the sort of rock that dad is always trying to make me listen to! Billebjer used to be one of these quarries and mum said that when the men were finished with it they filled it with lots of water so that people like us could enjoy a swim. She says there's even a tractor at the bottom that the men left behind!

Billebjer is in the heart of the woods.

Good to know I've always got dad's support.
Kind of like being at the beach, eating a toy cow.
As it was hot and a Sunday there were lots of people there, and one guy looked a little bit different to everyone else. For starters he had all his clothes on (unlike others) but also they were really old and he had a big, long beard too. Mum and dad said he was something called a hippy and that he wasn't there to swim but he lived there! He had his own tent that he'd built, a fire and kept getting his guitar out to play some songs, which was nice.

Guitar in the forest - dad's dream. Except this dude could play guitar!
I hope he's there next time we go as his guitar playing sounded really nice and there was something magical about him and his little camp. Everyone else can start to look the same to me sometimes so I think its good when I find someone who looks a little bit different and he was certainly that!

So another great day out with mum and dad. I think the forest is great but I'm not sure I'd want to live there all the time - it looks like it could be a bit scary at night... Let's hope mum and dad find jobs soon otherwise I might be finding out pretty soon!

Phoenix Love x x x

1 comment:

  1. I want to meet the hippy - he looks very cool, like you! Love you! xxxxxxxxxx
