Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Phoenix Loves... Neomi part II

So just a quick update on how things are going with me and my new friend Neomi...

Hopefully you'll remember we had our first play date a few weeks ago, and last Friday we had our second date at mum's friend's new home. She's called Jasmine and she's the one with the little dog called Ulrik - he's great fun but his breath don't half stink!

We played all afternoon which was ace, although I must admit I did fall asleep at one point... Oops. Saying that though, dad told me he fell asleep in the pub the first time he met mum's friend Liza and mum still liked him when Liza told her about dad, so there's hope for me yet!

I definitely felt less shy this time, after all I'd met them all before so nothing to be scared of. I can also confirm that the rumours are true - Neomi and I swapped dummies! Mum says dummy swapping is the new kissing but I don't know about that - I think we're a bit young!

Just one more kiss...
Dad says it's good to make a girl laugh. Best wear those socks again next time!
I guess things must be going pretty well as we've got another date this week and this time I've invited Neomi over to my place. Can't wait to see her again! Now the eternal conundrum - what to wear?!?

Roll on Friday!

Phoenix Love x x x

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