Saturday, 26 January 2013

Phoenix Loves... Being a Onesie.


365 days - one full year turned, from whence you came and we learned,
What fate had brought us, babe or brute. “Cry all night long just make him cute!”
From overdues and false alarms, you finally dropped into our arms,
That thing once just a duck-like scan, now thrust unto our virgin hands.

No pain relief and stern midwife, contractions on the bus? That’s London life.

Part English, Swedish and science fiction, born London Town to Nigerian diction.

So finally we journeyed home, an eager family now alone,

Through January’s freeze as cold as death, that first night hung on your every breath.

Midwives came and then they went, until your folks were all but spent,

To me this now seems just a blur, though I’m sure your mum would beg to differ.
Soon came our friends, family and mates, drinking tea from mugs and eating biscuits off plates.

With cards and presents and love and fuss, we welcomed them in but longed for just us.

After our hospital tos and hospital fros, you gradually began to grow.
A noise, a touch, a look, a smile – the things that make it all worthwhile.

Who would have known there was such a treat, as to hear you fart whilst you’re asleep?

Small bottom burps and big loud trumps, the largest ones that make you jump.

Your face so sad as if it knows, when it is time for me to go.
Your face so glad when I come home, like you’re the dog and I’m your bone.

Well here we are and how far you’ve come, perched on the cusp of turning one.
And though it’s been but just one year, I struggle to remember before you were here.

Before the chatter and cheeky grins, the eel-like crawl and crazy spins,
This little man now in our bed, you take my space and kick my head.

But I can’t complain, I never could, ‘cos I have got it pretty good.
When all’s said and done and in the end, I’m just dead chuffed with my best friend.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Phoenix Loves... 2013.

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” - Brad Paisley.

I'm not too sure who this guy is, dad's looked him up and says he's an Americam singer-songwriter but we came across these words from one of his songs and thought they were quite nice. Although in this case tomorrow isn't in fact tomorrow, it's yesterday - 1st January 2013.

Dad's been telling me that around this time of year everyone likes to try and guess what's going to happen in the year to come which, if long words are your thing, is also known as making predictions! They like to guess all sorts of things apparently. Making lists about what will be the next fashion trends, best new music, new technologies etc...

This year however there's one list that everyone's talking about (well the folks at least) and that's Yeah Baby! magazine's hot list for 2013. Yours truly is being hotly tipped for big things this coming year - including turning one, starting to walk, starting at dagis (nursery) and even starting to talk. Check it out!

Number three ain't half bad!
Ok so it's not for real but pretty sweet anyway! Thanks mum and dad, however I do worry sometimes that you've got too much time on your hands...

But there sure are lots of things to look forward to in 2013 and I can't wait to get stuck in. Pretty much everything I do at the moment is a new experience and that's ace. I'm not sure how it feels when you're older but I hope people carry on finding new things to excite them and learn from, and that includes you readers!

Me and my family are hoping to find a place to call home this year. It's great fun staying with mormor and morfar but I think we'll feel like we have a proper new life once we have our own place - somewhere where I can be as noisy and as messy as I want!

Other than that I wish to see as many of my family and friends as I can. Farmor and farfar are coming for my birthday in January which is going to be tons of fun and then hopefully my godparents will be coming later in the year too. I cant wait.

All the best for 2013 everyone and happy new year!

Phoenix Love x x x

Phoenix Loves... Business time.

Working for the rat race
You know you're wasting your time
Working for the rat race
You're no friend of mine

That's from a song by an old band called The Specials, but despite their warnings I am officially joining the rat race!

No, I'm not training for the animal Olympics but have instead joined the big bad world of business. And why not? Dad's started a new job and mum's been working away, so it's only fair that I get a slice of the action. If you can't beat them, join them!

It all started when the folks gave me my own laptop and mobile phone for Christmas. You see for a little while now Ive been crazy about mum and dad's various little toys they do 'work' on. They've even gone as far as to nickname me 'zombie baby' as there's no stopping me touching the laptop once I set my mind to it!

Step into my office baby!
To be honest I don't see what all the fuss is about with this working malarkey. You basically get to sit on a nice spinny chair and press loads of different buttons all day - not exactly hard. It's a no-brainer for me! I can take or leave the silly clothes though...

City slicker.

So going forward you're going to be seeing a lot more of me in the office, giving 110 per cent and thinking outside the box. I'll be touching base with mum and dad at close of play everyday. All in all it's a win-win situation for me.

Watch out Lord Sugar, watch out Dragons and watch out David Brent (?!) as there's a new Gordon Gekko in town and he's young, hungry and after your fortunes... I'm 'oot!

Phoenix Love x x x

P.S. I hope you all spotted a few office phrases that I threw in there!

Phoenix Loves... Christmas.

Ok so I'm a bit late with this but Merry Christmas! Or God Jul as we say here in Sweden.

Before I tell you about my Christmas I thought it would be best to let you know a little bit about what Christmas in Sweden is like. It may be celebrated all over the world but it certainly isn't celebrated in the same way!

In Sweden we celebrate Christmas on 24th December, or Julafton and that's when we exchange our presents. More on presents later! Where dad comes from in England they do all this on 25th December. Dad says another difference is the food that gets eaten. Whilst in England Christmas lunch is usually a big turkey with all the trimmings, in Sweden it's a mixture of cold meats, fish and cheese. Not bad at all but certainly takes a bit of getting used to!

Other Swedish things include watching Donald Duck at 3pm on Julafton, drinking glögg, drinking julmust and Christmas goats!

We can't explain - you have to try it.
A Swedish Christmas goat.

I had a great first Christmas. So many presents from so many people and too many for me to mention in this blog. I'm thinking I'll do a post just for all my fab presents... watch this space!
Where to begin?
 It was our first Christmas as a family and we all went to a lot of effort. Check out my reindeer outfit, mum's red bow/Christmas tree earrings and dad's erm, jumper?

Familjen Barker. Lose the naff slippers and jumper next time dad...
Domestic goddess mum was back at Christmas and her and mormor worked so hard to make everything pretty, tasty and just right. Dad and uncle Daniel on the other hand...

Hmm... I'm not convinced.
The following day (25th December) Santa had left me a stocking to celebrate English Christmas too. More presents to open and more wrapping paper to play with - that's the best part.

Looks can be deceving. I'm actually really happy with my stocking.
Phew. After all that I'll need a years rest before doing it all again. I think I could get used to this Christmas thing though, especially if the pressies keep coming!

Merry Christmas!

Phoenix Love x x x