Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Phoenix Loves... Christmas.

Ok so I'm a bit late with this but Merry Christmas! Or God Jul as we say here in Sweden.

Before I tell you about my Christmas I thought it would be best to let you know a little bit about what Christmas in Sweden is like. It may be celebrated all over the world but it certainly isn't celebrated in the same way!

In Sweden we celebrate Christmas on 24th December, or Julafton and that's when we exchange our presents. More on presents later! Where dad comes from in England they do all this on 25th December. Dad says another difference is the food that gets eaten. Whilst in England Christmas lunch is usually a big turkey with all the trimmings, in Sweden it's a mixture of cold meats, fish and cheese. Not bad at all but certainly takes a bit of getting used to!

Other Swedish things include watching Donald Duck at 3pm on Julafton, drinking glögg, drinking julmust and Christmas goats!

We can't explain - you have to try it.
A Swedish Christmas goat.

I had a great first Christmas. So many presents from so many people and too many for me to mention in this blog. I'm thinking I'll do a post just for all my fab presents... watch this space!
Where to begin?
 It was our first Christmas as a family and we all went to a lot of effort. Check out my reindeer outfit, mum's red bow/Christmas tree earrings and dad's erm, jumper?

Familjen Barker. Lose the naff slippers and jumper next time dad...
Domestic goddess mum was back at Christmas and her and mormor worked so hard to make everything pretty, tasty and just right. Dad and uncle Daniel on the other hand...

Hmm... I'm not convinced.
The following day (25th December) Santa had left me a stocking to celebrate English Christmas too. More presents to open and more wrapping paper to play with - that's the best part.

Looks can be deceving. I'm actually really happy with my stocking.
Phew. After all that I'll need a years rest before doing it all again. I think I could get used to this Christmas thing though, especially if the pressies keep coming!

Merry Christmas!

Phoenix Love x x x

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