Monday, 19 November 2012

Phoenix Loves... 21st November.

21st November 1965 - Icelandic singer and musician Björk born.
21st November 1975 - Elton John received a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame.
21st November 1983 - In Los Angeles, movie theatres premiered Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video.
21st November 2012 - Phoenix Love comes to England.

Ok, so maybe I'm getting a head of myself a bit but you never know - November 21st 2012 could be that momentous!

After months of waiting I will soon be hopping on a plane to the land of the Queen, fish'n'chips and oh just some of my favourite people in the whole world. Farmor, Farfar, my aunties Sophie and Kate, my godparents Tom and Kathryn - the list is endless.

Coming to get you England!
Mum and dad have been invited to the London wedding reception of dad's friend Dave and his new wife Twinkle, and we get the added bonus of spending some quality time with family and friends. Swedish life is great but sometimes I wish we could see everyone more often...

Mum's going to be running a tight ship as we've got loads of people to hang out with and just under a week to do it but I can't wait.

See you all in a few days!

Phoenix Love x x x

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
