Monday, 12 November 2012

Phoenix Loves... Halloween.

I don't know about you guys but I know I wouldn't want to bump into these freaky people on a dark night. Just think that some poor kid probably has these two for parents - bad luck or what?! That man's nose is even bigger than dad's and the lady has funny coloured hair... Wait a minute, isn't that my old moses basket in the background? Oh no, that's MY mum and dad!

This photo is my folks on October 31st 2011 which was before I was born, although if you look closely enough you can see me there - in mum's tummy!

October 31st is Halloween - also known as All Hallow's Eve, which in Sweden is a time when families light candles and lay them on the graves of their loved ones. That's a sweet thing to do I think. Mum and dad must not have got that memo though as it seems they just like to get dressed up in silly clothes, and this year they got me involved. Well, if you can't beat them... join them!


Check out my spooky jack-o-lantern.
Dad says that when I'm older there'll be tons of fun stuff to do on Halloween, mainly involving something called sweets. I haven't tried these but I always see mum and dad sneaking them into their mouths on Saturdays. They don't think I notice but I do and if the noises they make when eating them are anything to go by then sweets must be well tasty! I can't wait!

Phoenix Love xxx

P.S. In Sweden having sweets on a Saturday is known as 'Lördags godis' - mums!


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