Monday, 12 November 2012

Phoenix Loves... The Dark Side.

As I grow up I'm quickly finding out that with age comes something known as responsibility and there are some pretty tough choices out there to be made. In particular this happens for me every evening around about 6:45pm.

Picture my bathroom - well it isn't actually mine as it belongs to my mormor and morfar, but it's where I have my bath every night. As soon as I get in the water I'm allowed to choose one of mormor's rubber ducks to play with - check them out!

Decisions, decisions.
You see there comes a time in every little baby's life when they arrive at a fork in the road and simply have to decide. Good versus evil - which way to go?

- Nice kind helpful policeman duck Phoenix?
- No thanks.
- Friendly life-saving lifeguard duck then?
- No thanks.
- Biker duck?
- Hmm sometimes, but I think I'll plump for robber duck, devil duck #1 and then back for devil duck #2!

I can't help it. That's always how it goes down. No matter how hard mum and dad try to make me choose the good guys, I just can't. I don't think I'm particularly bad, in fact I think I'm a good boy really, but let's hope for mum and dad's sake that this isn't a sign of things to come! Mwah ha ha ha!

Yours evil-y,

Phoenix Love x x x

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