Saturday, 25 February 2012

Phoenix Loves... The Godfather and Co.

Friday nights are fast becoming party nights at our house and this Friday was no different as five of mum and dad's friends came over to see them, but more importantly me!

First dad came home from work with his friend Damien who if I'm honest I couldn't really understand as he had a funny accent. Dad says its because he's from some place called France but no matter, he was really smiley and I liked him straight away. Here we are...

Mon ami Damien - that's French you know!
Next came mum and dad's friends Sam and Ida. Dad met them both at work and they're really cool and so have been friends ever since. Ida is from Sweden just like mum, and Sam always tells really bad jokes, or so dad says. Here we are together...

Me and Ida - she was comfy!

Me, Sam and his hairy face.
Finally Tom and Lucy came round - I've met them before as they live just round the corner from us but its always nice to see them.

Tom is my godfather and dad's best friend so that makes him the main man in my eyes but for some reason he had been nervous about cuddling me for the first time. Lucy told everyone that she's been helping Tom practise by filling something called a condom with water and making him hold it. Unfortunately mum and dad didn't have any for Tom to refine his baby holding skills (that's why I'm here!) so he had to just get stuck in! Anyway, it must have been good practise as he was really good at it - check us out...

The Godfather and me, minus water-filled condom!

Me and Lucy.

In the end Friday night was a bit like pass the parcel as I went from person to person (whilst fast asleep!) - although can't grumble as there's nothing better than a good hug! I think I must have racked up a few air miles too as I had cuddles all the way from France, Sweden, Egypt and er, Stoke... Come back soon gang!

Phoenix Love.

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