Sunday, 12 February 2012

Phoenix Loves... Saturdays.

Yesterday was my third Saturday on this earth and I have to say I think I could get used to them. Saturday is part of something called 'the weekend' which seems to be much more relaxed and fun compared to the rest of the week. Dad says he has to go back to his job next week so weekends will be when we can all spend time together and mum can have breakfast in bed!

I started off yesterday with a nice lie-in with mum and dad, which is basically where you just sleep for longer than you should and feel a bit naughty. Next I had a bath (fast becoming one of my favourite things) and put on a new set of clothes ready for some more visitors later in the day.

First was mum's friend Noorin whose job it is to make clothes. Apparently she makes something known as ethical and sustainable fashion. Now I don't really know what these big words mean but I think it just means that everyone who makes, sells and buys the clothes are nice people and really happy, which is good in my books. If you like nice clothes made by nice people you can have a look at Noorin's website here:

Before she arrived, mum told me that Noorin had made her wedding dress so I liked her even before we met! She also brought me a really cool gift from Amsterdam. Check it all out...

If Noorin ever needs a model for baby clothes, I'm her boy!

This rattle toy is ethical so have a look at if you like it as much as I do.
Next to visit were a couple called Shiona and Russell. Shiona is mum's boss at work and a boss is someone who gets to tell people what to do and when to do it but Shiona didn't seem bossy at all to me - she was nice! Her husband Russell has recently become known as Dr Davies which means that he's really, really clever and gets to use long words all the time. Lucky him!

They brought with them a huge bag of gifts from them and everyone at mum's work. I got a few new outfits, one of which I'm wearing today. For mum and dad they brought some drink with bubbles in it which made mum all smiley and a bit giggly! Thanks to everyone at mum's work for all the gifts. Here are some photos...

Me with Shiona and Russell.

Sporting one of my new outfits courtesy of Shiona, Russell and everyone at BDRC Continental.
Finally on Saturday evening we had an unexpected visit from my one and only godmother Kathryn! She came over to keep mum company as dad had gone with my godfather Tom to some place known as the pub to 'wet the baby's head.' This is basically an excuse for grown ups (usually men) to get drunk however I'm just happy that it didn't mean getting my head wet for real!

Anyway, I slept for the whole time dad was gone and when I woke up Kathryn was still there keeping mum company and she gave me a long cuddle in front of the TV. This was great as all the other times I've met her I've always been sleeping, although I have to admit I did fall asleep again in her arms as it was just too comfy! Here we are together...

As Harry Hill would say - "Milky milk!"

Chillin' with my godmummy!
So that was a really busy day, so busy in fact that I had a great sleep and only woke up once all night. Can't wait for my next Saturday to come when mormor and morfar will be here. Woohoo!

Phoenix Love.

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