Sunday, 5 February 2012

Phoenix Loves... New friends.

I've had lots of new friends come round to meet me on Saturday, which was ace!

First was mum and dad's friend Jonn or American Jonn as they call him, although I haven't met any other friends called Jonn yet so I might just forget the Amercian bit. Apparently he's from really far away and has a funny accent. Dad tried to speak like him but ended up sounding stupid as usual. Anyway, Jonn was super cool and brought me some nice threads to wear when I'm a little bit older. Here's a picture of me with my new bro' Jonn!

Me and my new friend. Mum and dad think he looks like some person called the child catcher in this picture...

Next up was mum and dad's friend Wayne who had just come back from another place far, far away, called Thailand. Dad told me that Wayne was one of his best men at their wedding (mum and dad's wedding - not dad and Wayne's) so I liked him straight away.

He was really funny and for some reason had loads of hair on his face aswell as on his head, which dad said is known as a beard, but I just thought it made him he look like a bear! I said thanks to Wayne as when I was still in mum's tummy he bought me one of the zebra outfits from my previous post. Thanks again Wayner! Check us out together.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Then on Saturday afternoon I finally got to meet my farmor (father's mother) and farfar (father's father) or granny and grandad as they're known in England. They brought their three foster kids with them who were really quiet at first but then they spotted one of dad's guitars and things got really noisy!

They brought me some cute presents, including a hand-knitted quilt that farmor had made. We got to have lots of cuddles and dad kept bringing out cups of something called tea and plates of biscuits. He's doing that a lot these days. Here's a picture of the quilt farmor made me and one of us together.

Check out the cowboy detail on my new quilt.

Me and farmor relaxing.

After making so many new friends I was exhausted and slept all through the night despite mum and dad's attempts to show me my first snow. Mum says that in Sweden (where she's from) they have loads of different words for snow because they have so much of it. That's something I've got to look forward to but for now I'll have to make do with this picture instead!

Snow helping to hide the weeds in our overgrown garden in London.

Until next time!

Phoenix Love.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, looks like you've had an amazing time! :) I'm looking forward to seeing you for more hugs. Love you! xxxxxx
