Monday, 20 February 2012

Phoenix Loves... Swedish stuff.

You'd never believe it but my mum was once a tiny baby just like me and that means she has a mum and dad just like me too. They are my mormor (mother's mother) and morfar (mother's father) and on Thursday they arrived all the way from icy Sweden with suitcases bursting full of presents for me, mum and even dad!

I thought it is was confusing enough when mum and dad first told me about their parents, but now I've found out that mormor and morfar have parents too! They're my gammel or old mormor, morfar, farmor and farfar (phew!) They live in Sweden too and so far I've only met them when I was in mum's tummy but hopefully later this year we can go and say hello. Check out some of my new Swedish clothes...

Jumper knitted by gammel mormor.

"Rock and roll all night!" A present from mormor and morfar.

One thing my folks love is eating sweets so mormor and morfar brought them loads of godis (Swedish goodies) all with funny names like Zoo and Geisha. Sometimes when mum and dad think I'm sleeping I'm actually wide awake because I can't sleep for all the noise from their hands rustling about for sweets in the bags! Don't forget to save some for me!

The good thing about having grandparents to stay is that you get twice the cuddles you'd usually get which is something a little man like me could really get used to. Next weekend we're off to stay with farmor and farfar and I can't wait!

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