Saturday, 25 February 2012

Phoenix Loves... Trips.

Today is Saturday and we left our house bright and early to go and visit my farmor and farfar at their house in Guildford. This is something I've been looking forward to for ages as dad was born there and lived in the house when he was just 16 years old.

We had to get a bus, train and then a car to get there, which is all old hat for me now, but according to mum and dad I had a bit of a scare on the bus, not that I'd know it though as I slept the whole way through!

Apparently the man driving the bus was going too fast and forgot to stop for a lady who wanted to get on. When he saw her he stepped on the breaks which made me and my pram topple over onto the floor. Luckily we had the car seat today so I was strapped in and didn't even wake up, but it's safe to say that mum shouted a few choice words at the driver, most of which aren't for ears as young as mine! I think he got a bit scared...

Thankfully the train and car journeys were much smoother. Here I am looking cute on the train...

Sleeping bear.

Although I was asleep when that happened I think somehow it must have tired me out as I've continued sleeping all day despite farmor and farfar giving me loads of cuddles. This is how tired I was:

Finally, today is my gammelfarfar's (i.e. mum's farfar) 89th birthday! Sadly, mum has told me that he is very ill and in hospital and it makes me sad that I might not get a chance to get to know him, although I'm sure mum will tell me all about him when I'm a bit older. I want all my Swedish relatives, especially gammelfarfar and gammelfarmor, to know that me, mum and dad are all thinking of them and sending hugs and lots of love!

Until next time,

Phoenix Love.

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